No longer reserved for the ultra-wealthy, this strategy can be used to supercharge your retirement!

BIVX Wealth and Insurance Solutions, LLC is comprised of some of the most knowledgeable and caring insurance agents in the insurance industry. With more than 100 years of experience combined, they have access to all the tools, carriers and support needed for every individual, family, entrepreneur, employee, and corporation. The agents are experienced and certified to provide advice for those needing assistance with Long Term Care, Life Insurance, Annuities, Medicare Supplemental, as well as, property and casualty. Our agents are committed to making a difference in their communities. They are highly trained professionals who have made insurance a ministry to help others. They work long hours and travel state to state to provide customer-centric care with the latest information and the best customer service available.

BIVX Wealth & Insurance Solutions

The My New Retirement™ Webinar

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Risk-Free Growth

You can earn stock market gains without the stock market losses. Your account can never experience a loss no matter how much the stock market plummets.

Tax-Free Income

This strategy will provide tax-free income during your retirement years. Unlike "qualified" plans it will not be subject to a tax hike.

Cashflow You Can't Outlive

If set up properly, this strategy will provide income you can rely on year after year no matter how long you live.

Take advantage of this incredible strategy today!

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